Optimal Maternal Positioning is like no other birth education class out there!
Hands on practical knowledge that helps parents take back control of their birth experience.
Labour progress is all about the way your bub moves into, through and out of your pelvis, that is what facilitates dilation!
Our obsession with only looking at dilation is one of the biggest issues with most birth education and maternity care during labour.
Educator, Danae Birth Doula www.danaebirthdoula.com.au
2nd Saturday of each month beginning April 9th @ Yoganic Studio 12pm – 4pm
Recommended from 20 weeks of pregnancy onwards
Course $295, free access to online follow up course and hard copy of workbook provided
Combine with a Mosaic Midwifery antenatal and newborn care course (see attached) for discounted rate of $600
Among other topics here as some of the things we will cover:
- Learn how your baby moves through your pelvis
- Learn how to create space in your pelvis for a faster, easier birth.
- Learn how to work with and resolve Posterior (spine on spine) labours and turn a breech baby
- Learn how to understand your contraction patterns.
- Learn how to resolve a presentation in labour that is preventing progress or stalling your labour
- Learn how to work with Epidurals to still facilitate active birth positions while confined to the bed
- Learn how to reduce tearing
- Learn counterpressure, massage and rebozo techniques that help provide comfort and relief in labour while also helping your baby move down
- You and your partner can have the confidence to approach your birth with skills that really change the way you can own your birth experience
- Gain FREE access to OMP for parents follow up online course
This course is the future of Birth Education for women and birth professionals and is changing birth outcomes in an incredible way!
Please see attached e-book for more details about the course.
For bookings and questions please contact Danae via: website www.danaebirthdoula.com.au / email danaebirthdoula@gmail.com / phone 0478 756 746